Posts Tagged ‘Chemo’


So, last post was waiting for the 4 week break in August, as that has come and gone I shall update you.

So at the last meeting I was told I had a 4 week break and will be switching from 140mg Temozolomide to 280mg and was told to ring the support number if you feel down and need help, to which I replied why? I was advised that some patients miss the attention from coming to hospital every day and being looked after. I said I’m sure I’ll be fine, I’ve managed this far with no support.

The first treatment was to double your dose to see how your body copes, you are given a blood test which I assume checks red and white blood cells along with other stuff to make sure organs are ok. Rather than every day, the treatment is now 5 days on 23 days off. As my body was coping fine, for the 2nd month the dose was upped again to 360mg 5 days on and 23 days off.

I am currently on this dose until Christmas Eve and then a scan 6 weeks after that.

Some good news though, through the 2nd month my hair started growing back and hair anywhere else is falling out. Now while it is starting to grow back it has come back softer than before and with more grey so be prepared for that.

The odd thing about all this treatment is as the Doctor said, I actually miss having the radiotherapy!!

Throughout this whole process the treatment is starting to take it’s toll on me, tiredness, nausia and lack of energy are the biggest but take it slow and eat small meals is the way forward.

In the space of 2 months…

Thats it for now so best of luck everyone.